Monday, February 10, 2014

Fiction 3

Written on June 22, 1998 at 1:20 AM

A conversation with an Imaginary Being

Her name is  Anemone de Windfluer, [Aura to her friends] who might possibly be considered as a manifestation of the Archetype of the Page of Swords from the Crowley Thoth Tarot.

This is one of several pieces that were "conversations" I had with her.


Studio City, California, New World Order Time Domain

“There is an Unspoken Law of Karma which says: ‘If you follow a certain course of action almost anything is likely to be realized but some realizations are more likely that others.’ So what is actually going to happen if you do thus and so?  Those who teach the Law of Karma  have simplified this Unspoken Law. They did this because it is hard for the finite mind to understand the Reality behind reality. Karma is a Truth, but while it is true that all actions evoke a response, we can not know with a certainty what that response will be. We cannot know for an absolute certainty that heat will burn us or cold will freeze us but on the scale of finite understanding it is easier to say this is true.” - The Book of Reminders

I was angry. I had been awoken rather rudely. She had shoved my face into the sand and then ran away laughing. I chased the nameless young pixie along the wide flat beach. It was rather strange to be chasing a young woman along a strange beach when only moments ago I had been sleeping safe and snug in my grungy little apartment with all its creature discomforts.

She had a good 100 foot head start. She stopped and turned. She stuck out her tongue at me. Her hair no more than an inch long was much shorter than I remembered it. The maroon pants she wore today almost clung to her skin. With every step she took I could see her fanny jiggle. She had covered her chest by draping a rather sheer black cloth over her slim breasts and then pulling it under her arm pits and tying it in a big bow in back.

The wind lifted the clothe to display her perfection even as she taunted me. “You’re nothing but a lame ass old man. You couldn’t catch me if...”

“Wanna bet?” I snapped in reply.

“Sure. Just like in the old days: If you can beat me, you can...” Her reply broke off when I closed the gap between us and nearly caught her. She  darted away and then cheerfully called over her shoulder, “Eat ME!”

She ran off down the beach. I’m not much of a sprinter but I do O.K. in the long haul. It’s just a matter of pacing. She on the other hand was strictly a sprinter. She stopped every so often to catch her breath and to taunt me. Then off like a shot laughing at me, her fanny shaking and her feet tearing up the virgin sands.

It was a strange place. It had been hot when we started but it seemed to cool off. A thread of fog drifted in then another. Soon we entered a fog bank the Sun and the rest of the world was gone. There was only she running ahead and I chasing behind. The sand flying beneath our feet.

She seemed to be tiring. Her lead dropped to twenty five feet, twenty, fifteen, ten, five. I reached out to grab her.  At the last moment she darted to one side untouched. I landed face down in the sand. She laughed as she sprinted away to regain her distant lead.

“That’s as close as you’re ever likely to get, you dirty old man.” She called.

“You’re no prize either.” I replied rather lamely.

The contest wore on. She stopped more and more often. The beach had narrowed. Rock from ancient and now buried sea cliffs poked their heads from the sands. The ancient sea cliffs began to rise steeply out of the sands and narrowed the beach to no more than twenty five feet.

As we ran the cliffs continued to rise until the low hanging fog hid their crests. The fog dropped low and shrouded the world. Now there was only she and I and the sound of the sea and our laboring breath.

Dimly through the fog I could see the cliffs blocked the way of my quarry. They turned out across the beach an into the sea. Just when I thought I had her trapped, a sea cave came into view which ran underneath the cliffs. I could see dim light on the farther side. She sprinted into the cave.

I redoubled my efforts and narrowed the gap to a few feet but she began to pull away. Just as we exited the cave in desperation I tried to get an arm around her waist. I failed. As my arm reached for her she began to fade away  into thin air. Blink. She was gone. I tumbled into the sand.

I looked around. The fog on this side of the headland was even thicker. The moisture was almost a living presence. I could see no farther than a few feet.

I felt a profound sense of loss. She was gone and I was alone. Tears welled up in my eyes. I stood up and retraced my steps to the mouth of the sea cave. There was no sign of her footsteps. I walked through the cave. Again there was no trace of any footsteps. Not even my own. They were washed away by the tides.

I began to feel cut adrift and hopeless. As if the last hour was a replay of my whole life: chasing after an illusion which never existed. I sank down into the sand overwhelmed with futility and grief.
Through my tears, I cried to the empty air, “So you were nothing more than an Illusion and my whole life is dedicated to thin air.”

A hand touched my shoulder. Her voice clear and kind fell upon my ears, “Didn’t you know that Illusion is what makes life fun?”

I spun around in the sand startled and suddenly angry. “You tricked me. You deserve a spanking.”

She looked me in the eye and replied evenly, “Does a tree deserve a spanking because its a tree? Do you deserve to be spanked because you cherish your own illusions and give them greater importance than those around you?”

I felt as if I had been hit between the eyes. I found that there was nothing I could say in response to her questions.

After a long time of silence  question came to my mind. “Why?” I asked.

“Why what?”

“Why all of this? Why a dismal life? Why am I here? Why are you there?” I responded.

“I could take the easy way out and say ‘Why not?’ but that would not answer the questions you have asked. The first question is most easily answered as ‘The Gods and Powers will it to be so.’ That is not the answer you wished but a nebulous question begs a nebulous answer.”

“The second question is a little more interesting but still is in the line of most human questions. Let’s see... I’m sure it’s in the FAQ.”

“The what?”

“The FAQ.” She opened her hand and what appeared to be a laser printed manual appeared in her hand. It did not seem to be more than thirty pages long. She showed me the cover page which read:

Frequently Asked Questions
appearing in
the most ancient and excellent

 Book of Reminders:

Common Mortal Philosophical Questions
and their Immortal Answers

by Faraji al Jann,

Court Mage
to the Immortal Queen of Saba,
Elemental Sage and  Professor of Truth
 for the Eternal Gods

“Now let’s see here... Yes here it is. Section 23.3”

She flipped to the page. “Why a dismal life?” She read aloud.

 “Contrary to common belief, Life is not dismal because the Gods have willed it to be so. Nor is life dismal because you deserve to be punished and suffer for some current or past or even future failing.

The ‘goodness’ or ‘badness’ of life is the result of a statistical process much like tossing a pair of dice. The common man, calls this statistical process ‘Evolution’ but when it appears that his life is subject to the whims of Fates and Unknown Gods or Demons he calls it ‘Punishment’ or ‘Being cursed’ or even ‘Damned for all time.’

Nothing could be farther from the truth. One might as well say that a rain drop is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ because it does or does not fulfill its proper function by falling at a specific place or time.

We all have our duties and obligations to  fulfill. Even those who are called ‘Gods’ or ‘Immortals’ have their place [See Section 1.3 - “If there is only one God, why are there so many of you?” also see Section 17.0 - “What is my Purpose?”]. The main fallacy the common man makes is that the dice are ‘fair.’

The truth is that the ‘dice of fate’ are manipulated by the conscious or unconscious awareness of the one who casts them. [See Section 81.7 “What is the Role of the Observer with Quantum Processes?”]. When one becomes aware of the specific properties of these ‘dice’ and their abilities, they can be manipulated as a conscious act of will.

Most are not aware of these hidden properties and they roll the die and achieve the success or failure they unconsciously desire.

Be aware that there are limitations to the manipulations which can be achieved. Just as you cannot roll ‘13’ with two six sided die, you cannot achieve absolute perfection in one all encompassing act of will. Why? It seems that the One who created us all wanted us to take the time to have some fun with the ‘fate’ we create for ourselves.”

She stopped reading, “Does that answer your question?”

“Let me see that.” She handed the FAQ to me.

I flipped the pages to the answer of Section 1.3 and read,

“The answer to this common question is centered in the perspective of the questioner. The straight answer is as follows:

“There is only one Force or Power in this universe. That Power is just one of many Powers among the myriad universes which exist and they in turn are but aspects of an even greater thing that even we, the immortals, cannot even conceive its true nature. [Related question: “Which God should we Worship?” See Section 1.4]

It is not obvious to most of those that ask this question that those entities which appear ‘godlike’ are not gods in the same way as the One Power of this universe.

To a blood cell, the Heart is a ‘god’ that impels the cell to move along a given path. The Lungs are a ‘god’ because they give the cell Life Giving oxygen. The Liver is a ‘god’ because refines the blood removing poisons. And so on for each organ of the body, each organ is a ‘god’ from the cell’s perspective because it does not have the same perspective as the ‘godlike’ organ.

Yet from a different perspective, these body organs are not fully ‘aware’ the whole body of which they are a part. Are these body organs ‘gods’ because they fulfill one or two important functions? Still another perspective is that the organs themselves are made of countless millions of specialized cells not unlike the blood cell which work unceasingly together for a common purpose.

From the view point of a Liver cell or brain cell, the Circulatory system is a ‘god’ because it brings life bearing food and oxygen and takes away poisons. Looking at it from this view, the blood cells could be called ‘the Priests of the Sacred Blood’ or ‘The Givers of Life.’ As you can see from this example, ‘Gods’ and what is ‘godlike’ are a matter of perspective.

Asking ‘Why are there so many Gods?’ is like asking ‘Why does my body have so many organs?’ The short answer is that the ‘Gods’ are required ‘organs’ for this universe and its related environs.”

I skipped down to Section 1.4 and read,

Using the same example expounded above [See Section 1.3 - If there is only one God, why are there so many of you?], There is no god or Power which requires worship except to fulfill that form or function to which one is aligned.[See Section 17.0 - What is my Purpose?] There have been attempts over the Millennia to deny the Gods their due but these attempts are doomed to failure. Again using the example above [Section 1.3], would a blood cell deny the existence of the Heart or Liver exists or that they have an important function within the body? Not likely.

I looked up at her and asked, “Wherever did you get this?”

“Oh they give it out as part of our training.” She replied.


“Of course, How the hell else are we supposed to learn to speak with and understand contrary poets who are refusing to fulfill their function.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” I asked.

She giggled, “Why don’t you look at Section 17.”

I flipped the pages to Section Seventeen. I happened to notice that the page number. It was Page 33. Odd. There did not seem to be that many pages. I counted them but sure enough there were thirty three pages. On a whim I flipped to almost the last page. Page 1456. Not possible. I turned the page and thought a number: 9612. Sure enough the page number noted at the bottom was page 9612.

“Is this a magic book, or what?” I asked.

“Yes. Now read...” She dimpled in reply

“Section 17.” I finished the sentence. I flipped a single page to Section Seventeen. I liked this idea of a random access printed book.

Section 17.0 - “What is my Purpose?

As we have seen above [See Section 1.1 - The Quantum Nature of God and Section 1.3 - “If there is only one God, why are there so many of you?”] The Universe is the ‘Body’ of the One Power. The Gods, Angels, Jann, Elementals, and the rest of the lesser immortals act as functional organs or power centers for the One.

In this universe humankind stands at the threshold of the macroscopic realm of the Gods and the microscopic realm of the fundamental quantum physical fields upon which this reality and its related time domains are based [See Section 91 - What is Time and/or Time Domains?].

What then is humankind’s purpose? Are they simply ‘Lurkers at the Threshold’ which the statistical process of Evolution has cast aside? Or are they something more?

They play a more fundamental role in creation that was previously believed [See Section 81.7 “What is the Role of the Observer with Quantum Processes?”]. After much research and debate the consensus is that humankind is the optimum ‘sub-function’ between the Macroworld and the Microworld.

It has been shown time and again that humankind has the ability to manipulate both the macroworld and the microworld. They can interact with physical and non-physical time domains [See Section 91 - What is Time and/or Time Domains?].  

What counsel should you offer when asked by a human “What is my purpose?” [Counseling techniques are covered in a separate FAQ. Please refer to it for specifics]. Ask her what she is drawn to do? What makes her come alive? What activities makes her feel fulfilled? Ask these questions, and if she answers herself honestly then she will have found her purpose.

[Please note that prior method of “decreeing fates” has been discontinued in all time domains after Time Coordinates !QZ.35.1.GGY-HHH.QII-66-!31-QII.97.34 Central Reference Time Domain. See Circular QQY-7356 for further details.]

I looked up at her. She smiled and said as the cave faded from view, “So go and sleep on these things and I will see you again tomorrow.”

“What is Reality coming to?” I thought as I rolled over in my sleep and started a different dream.

+++++++++++++ fini +++++++++++++++++

Was this a real conversation? As it did not happen in this specific, particular reality,  the answer is of course No... but if one were to eliminate that specification of reality co-ordinates then the answer is an emphatic "Yes!"

The book noted above may or may not be imaginary depending on how you look at it. I've been working on a collection of original  'wisdom' quotations which I named "The Book of Reminders" and it contains such gems as:

"In the lair of a dragon there is great wealth, but friend, also remember there is a dragon."


"From the view point of God, the universe is nothing but a handful of sand."


"You are here, but are you Now?"


"The Mirror is envious of what it sees."


In an abrasive stream one will find smooth stones."

or what has become personal tag line:

"A Strong House is built on a strong foundation. What are your beliefs built upon?"

Comments? Questions?