Friday, February 7, 2014


A year ago:

Baruch dayan emet.

Blessed is the One True Judge.
My father passed away  at 10:45 AM. on February 7, 2013
He died peacefully in a coma.
He was 89 years and 9 months old.

I love you, Dad.        

Phaldor's Piyyut I

Who am I, Lord,
That you should take notice of me?

I, who have had
but a few moments of sunlight
upon my face

I, who have dreamed dreams no Man
can understand

Who am I
That you see me with kindness?

I have worshiped you
for the breezes and the fields
and the ones you have sent
to play with me.

I have praised you
in all my life
being no more
nor no less
than the one
you created me to be.

Surely You, Master of All,
can see my faults
and failings
and yet You give to me
these few moments
these Blessings

sunlight on my face
sweet breeze
on my whiskers
and simple joys
of loving and being loved
here in the shadows
before the sunset

Baruch Atah
Holy One of Blessing


Baruch Atah - Hebrew transliteration which means "Blessed are You..."
Phaldor, according to Gustav Davidson's Dictionary of Angels, was the name of the "Angel of Oracles"..