Thursday, February 6, 2014


I'm sure by now you might see that I  [upon occasion] have extremely strange dreams. They don't happen all the time. Over the last several years I've taken to recording the vivid ones.

Below you will find yet another example of a waking dream discussing an alternate view of reality. This one was recorded on as noted below.

Friday, August 03, 2012


 They were having one of their "what if…?" discussions when he asked aloud. "Why do we suffer so much? It is as if there is no proportion to what happens to any one individual. It's as if each event has no causal heritage."

"Why do you say that?"

"Imagine that there is a computer simulation which takes place within an 'environment' and within this environment there are 'agents'  which are given attributes and parameters or values. Their purpose is to 'live' in the simulation, following its own rules based upon the settings of the environment, reacting with the settings of the attribute values."


"So the agents are given base class parameters  of who and what they are and the programmer lifts their finger and the start button is pressed. Events occur based upon causal relationships. But since the programmer is looking for something specific and wants to speed the simulation's evolutionary and adaptation process they changed the rules in regard to causal relationships. Instead of there being clear punishment for bad behavior sometimes it was rewarded and sometimes good behavior was punished. Sometimes events occur that had no causal reason and an agent is rewarded or punished."

"What's the point of the simulation? Why would the programmer want to make those rule changes? What you've described does not sound ethical."

"I'm not sure there is a point to the changes made in the simulation yet but what is unusual is that some how something weird happened."

"What might that be?"

"The agent's parameters evolved  to varying degrees over the life of the simulation but seemingly out of no where a new attribute appeared -- consciousness. Up until that point in the simulation the agents followed the 'rules'  now suddenly the agents became self-aware and with it came the qualitative experience called emotion.  It was an unexpected mutation. In addition the agents developed 'off line' storage in the form of writing.

"What was the effect of this change?"

"Now the agents could  consciously see and experience the simulation but were not aware of the  non-linear nature of the simulation's rules."


"By that I mean there is not a one to one relationship between action and result.  Given varying degrees of heaven and hell which did not correspond to proper causality these self-aware agents made up justifications and rationalizations concerning good and evil and reward and punishment."

"So what is it you are trying to say?"

"Look around."

"This is a simulation.  My God..."

"The proper term, I believe, is 'My Programmer…'"

©2014 by j.h. crook.
all rights reserved

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